Conducting a business entity search is a necessary part of registering any type of entity within the state of Alaska. You may search business entities by name, number, official, or registered agent through the Alaska Division of Corporations. The lookup may be conducted to query an Alaska corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or partnership (LP & LLP). After selecting the entity, all available information will be presented on the business information page. There is no charge for searching the business database.

Search by Name & Number

Step 1- Go to this webpage and click either in the 1st blank field to enter the entity number or the 2nd field to enter the name of the business you are trying to lookup or see if it is available for use.

Step 2- After entering the name you will be able to select the entity by clicking on the six-digit number. Before selecting you may be able to view the corporation’s type, name, and its status with the state.

Step 3- On the details page the following is available for viewing the entity’s: type, number, status, formed date, duration/expiration, home state (if any), next biennial report due date, mailing & physical address, registered agent information, officials, and all previously filed documents.

Search by Official

Step 1- Go to this webpage and enter the last name on the 2nd line and the first name on the 3rd line.

Step 2- View the entity’s type, number, name, official’s name, and title. Click on the entity number (#) in order to view the owner’s card.

Search by Registered Agent

Step 1- Go to this webpage and enter the registered agent’s name with the last name on the 2nd line and the first name on the 3rd line.

Step 2- On the results page you will be able to sort through the entities based on the name entered. Click on the entity number (#) and it will bring you to the details page.

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