Alaska Registered Agent

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Before you form a limited liability company (LLC) in Alaska, you’ll need to appoint a registered agent. But what is a registered agent? What are they required to do, and who can be one?

What is an Alaska Registered Agent?

An Alaskan registered agent is an individual or business that serves as the central point of contact to receive important legal documents and state correspondence on behalf of a business. This is required by Section 10.06.150 of the Alaska Corporations statute.

What does an Alaska Registered Agent Do?

The duties and requirements of the registered agent are also found in Section 10.06.150 of the Alaska Corporations statute. These state LLCs will have and continuously maintain a registered agent and office within the state.  The agent must be available during normal business hours to accept any service of process, notice, or demand pertaining to the entity and forward it to the appropriate individuals within the LLC.  A registered agent is the LLC’s representative for receiving legal paperwork and other important notices.

This position is necessary because it ensures that the correct people within an LLC are notified in the event of time-sensitive events such as service of process for lawsuits, garnishment notices against employees, a notice of annual reports, or notifications of taxes.

Who can be a Registered Agent in Alaska?

The requirements to be a registered agent in Alaska include:

Can I be my own Alaska Registered Agent?

You can be your own agent, as long as you are a resident of the state, over 18 years old, and are generally available during business hours.

Should you be your own Alaska Registered Agent?

Short answer? No. This option is okay for some businesses; however, there are several reasons to consider hiring a service to act as a registered agent.

How is a Registered Agent Appointed in Alaska?

A registered agent is initially appointed when forming the LLC and is named in the Articles of Organization.

Can a Registered Agent be Changed in Alaska?

A registered agent can be changed by filing the Statement of Change Form 08-409 (Domestic Corporation) or 08-492 (LLC) with the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.

Would you like to learn more about starting a business in Alaska? Get in touch today!

Are you already an Alaska small business owner? Find out more about how ZenBusiness can help you manage or grow your Alaska small business!

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