One can search for an Arkansas corporation, limited liability company or partnership within the state using the Business and Commercial Services’ Business Entity Search. This query can be made using a number of different pieces of information pertaining to the entity in question including name/fictitious name, registered agent (name, city or state), or filing number.

Search Arkansas Businesses by Name or Fictitious Name

Step 1- To search by the name or fictitious name of the business, follow this link and supply the title into the appropriate field before clicking Search. If you are able to provide more information, a more detailed search can be made.

Arkansas Secretary of State business entity name search form.

Step 2- You will be presented with a list of records found using the information you’ve submitted. You will also be provided with not only the name of the business but also the city, state and status. Click on a name to view detailed information.

Arkansas SOS business entity name search results example.

Step 3- Once the link has been selected, you will have access to all the necessary information for the LLC, partnership or corporation in question.

AR SOS business entity name search result details page.

Arkansas Business Search by Registered Agent’s Name, City, or State

Step 1- Navigate to the Business Entity Search webpage and enter in the data at hand regarding the registered agent of whichever business you’d like the information of. The more information you can supply, the more refined the search (example shown below).

The search form for Arkansas business entities on the AR SOS website.

Step 2- You will then be presented with a list of records, the length of which will vary depending on the amount of information you’ve supplied. The name of the business as well as the city, state and status will be presented. Click on the one to view it’s details.

Arkansas SOS business entity search results by registered agent's name, city, or state.

Step 3- The following will be presented if applicable: Corporation Name, Fictitious Name, Filing #, Filing Type, Filed Under Act, Status, Principal Address, Registered Agent, Agent’s Address, Date Filed, Officers, Foreign Name, Foreign Address, State of Origin.

Arkansas SOS business entity search results details by registered agent's name, city, or state.

Search by Arkansas Secretary of State Filing Number

Step 1- You can perform a search for a business entity in a similar fashion to the examples above by supplying the filing number of said business as in the example below. This search will enable the most refined search as the filing number is unique for each entity.

Arkansas Secretary of State business entity filing number search form.

Step 2- If you have entered the filing number correctly, a single search result will present itself detailing the business name, state, city and status. Click on the name to gain access to further information.

Arkansas SOS business entity filing number search results example.

Step 3- The details may include the following information: Corporation Name, Fictitious Name, Filing #, Filing Type, Filed Under Act, Status, Principal Address, Registered Agent, Agent’s Address, Date Filed, Officers, Foreign Name, Foreign Address, State of Origin.

AR SOS business entity filing number search result details page.
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