Oklahoma LLC Cost

We’ve compiled the most common fees so you know exactly what to expect when starting your Oklahoma LLC.

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Start Your LLC in Oklahoma

FAQs on how to determine Oklahoma LLC costs

  • You have to file Articles of Organization to start your own business as an LLC. You can do this online, by mail, or in person. If you’re not sure where to start, we are here to get your LLC set up easily with our Oklahoma LLC Formation Service.

    Let our experts help you complete everything correctly and on time for just $0 plus state fees. Just click the Start My Business button below.

  • These are the possible fees you’ll need to pay to start your own LLC in Oklahoma:

    Oklahoma LLC Filing Fee

    The filing fee for the Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization is $104.

    Name Reservation Fee

    If you need to reserve your LLC’s name prior to filing the Articles of Organization, it will cost $10 to file.

    Annual Certificate

    Oklahoma LLCs are also required to file an Annual Certificate each year, the fee for which is $25.

    Registered Agent Fee

    Free: Any owner or employee of a business can be its own registered agent in Oklahoma as long as they are over the age of 18, and have a street address in Oklahoma. But if you don’t want to have to deal with the tasks of being a registered agent, many businesses hire a registered agent for a small yearly fee. We can help you find the right Registered Agent for your LLC with our Oklahoma Registered Agent Service.

  • There could be costs to look out for when you’re running an LLC, other than paying for the Articles of Organization, Name Reservation, and Annual Certificate.

    Amended Articles of Organization

    An Amended Articles of Organization is required if you decide to change some aspect of the organization of your LLC. The filing fee is $50 and can be done online.

    Resignation of Registered Agent

    A Resignation of Registered Agent form needs to be filed when your LLC changes who the required registered agent will be. The filing fee is $25 and can be done online.

    DBA Name in Oklahoma

    A “Doing Business As” name or DBA is any name your business uses that’s different from its official name. In Oklahoma, a DBA is called a Trade Name. To secure an Oklahoma Trade Name, you have to file a Trade Name Report, which will cost $25. Trade names or DBAs are a good way to market different types of products or business locations without the need to change your original LLC’s name.

    Foreign LLC

    Foreign LLCs are out of state businesses that want to register in Oklahoma. To run your out-of-state LLC in Oklahoma, you need to file a Registration of Foreign Limited Liability Company form with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. The filing fee for this document is $300.

    Business Licensing

    You might also have to pay fees for the following depending upon what type of business you’re starting:

    • Business licenses
    • Permits
    • Registrations

    Depending upon your business, you need to know whether there are licenses, permits, and registrations at the local, state, and federal levels. With our partners at Avalara, we can give you a Business License Report that breaks down what specific licenses, permits, and registrations your business needs.

    For just $0 plus state fees, we can form your Oklahoma LLC for you in just minutes. No LegalZoom promo code required: Pay just $0 plus filing fees for fast LLC formation in Oklahoma. 

  • In Oklahoma, your LLC won’t have to pay any penalties for failure to pay a fee on time. However, if you miss a payment, your LLC will eventually lose its good standing to do business within the state.

  • If you can’t pay your filing fees to the Oklahoma Secretary of State, then your application for your LLC will be rejected, and you won’t be able to legally transact business within the state as an LLC. Without these documents, your LLC is not official, and you would face the increased liability of running a sole proprietorship or general partnership.

  • You pay your filing fees to the Oklahoma Secretary of State.

  • The largest fee you will pay during the start-up process in creating your LLC will be the Articles of Organization filing fee of $100. Once your LLC is established, there may be larger fees and expenses you have to pay for permits, licenses, and registrations you will need based on the kind of business you run, your business location, and your business’s needs. 

  • If you use Oklahoma’s easy and convenient online filing system, you can pay whatever necessary filing fees by a credit or debit card. If you are filing the forms by mail, you will need a check or money order to be submitted along with the forms.

How do I form my LLC in Alabama?

1. Name your LLC

Naming your new LLC is one of the most important decisions you have to make. You want it to be catchy and meaningful, but also memorable so that you can easily advertise your company. The state of Oklahoma has a few naming requirements. Your name must:

  • Contain the words or abbreviations “limited liability company,” “L.L.C.,” or “LLC”
  • Not include words that suggest your LLC has an unauthorized purpose
  • Be different from other names on file with the Secretary of State

Once you pick your name, you can do a name search to see if it’s unique within the state at the Secretary of State’s website. 

2. Select a Registered Agent

Every official business that’s registered with the state has to have an official Registered Agent. The registered agent is responsible for receiving service of process in lawsuits and other important legal notices on behalf of your LLC. A Registered Agent has to have a physical address in Oklahoma, and it’s important that they are consistently available during regular business hours to receive important notices for your LLC.

Anyone can be a registered agent as long as they are 18 years of age or older. However, the role could tie the person to the office in ways that aren’t beneficial for building your business. It’s best to use a Registered Agent service to help you stay compliant. 

3. File your LLC’s Articles of Formation

To create your LLC in Oklahoma, you need to file Articles of Organization with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. It can be done online, via mail, or in person. 

4. Create an Operating Agreement

Although Oklahoma doesn’t require your new LLC to have one, it’s still a good idea to create an Operating Agreement. This is a written document that you and the other members of your LLC agree upon and that lays out the rules of the company and how things should be run. An Operating Agreement can:

  • Manage members’ expectations about the business
  • Customize how members will share profits and losses
  • Dictate how members will resolve disputes

Without an Operating Agreement, some of the issues will have to be resolved via the rules set up in Oklahoma law, which may not be ideal for you.

We can help you easily create an Operating Agreement that has everything you need with our Operating Agreement Template

5. Get an EIN

If your LLC has more than one member, has employees, or runs as a corporation, it has to have an Employer Identification Number (EIN). EINs come from the IRS and are necessary for certain businesses to pay their federal taxes. An EIN also acts as an identification number for your company, similar to what a social security number does for individuals. With it, you can open business bank accounts, apply for business loans, and acquire business insurance policies. 

To get an EIN you have to file paperwork with the IRS. We can handle this for you with our Employer ID Number Service

Check Oklahoma Annual Requirements

Every Oklahoma LLC has to file an Annual Certificate and pay a $25 filing fee that lets the state know that your company is still active and at what address.

Stay Legally Compliant

Staying legally compliant throughout the years is very important to your success. If you are not legally compliant, then eventually your company can be shut down and potentially be fined. You can use our Worry-Free Compliance Service to file up to two amendments per year and keep track of your business’s other compliance requirements.

We can help!

A lot of people dream of being their own boss. Being an entrepreneur can be extremely rewarding, but it is also a lot of hard work. But you don’t have to do everything alone. We can help you get your LLC up and running quickly and stay compliant with our large catalog of business formation services. Let us give you peace of mind knowing that things are going to be done correctly and on time!

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.


Take it from real customers

Geoffrey Saves the Day

Update following a tremendously helpful call from Geoffrey from ZenBusiness: After posting my initial review here, I received a very prompt phone call from Geoffrey who immediately took care of my situation, resolving both my subscription cancellations as well as the requested refund. He also assured me that they would be looking into what may have caused the renewal alert emails to have become intertwined in my case. As far as I am concerned, this was a more than adequate response and makes amends for the difficulties of my previous attempts at seeking assistance via email. As I mentioned previously, the service I received from ZenBusiness prior to the mishap with the subscription renewal alerts was stellar, and I can’t recommend it enough for new business owners. The initial service helping my wife and I create and establish our business was superb, and even though the subscriptions do not meet our needs today, we made use of them and feel that they were worthwhile for us at the time. I’m also confident that the issue with the renewal alerts was an unintentional technical mishap that could have happened to anyone and any service provider, and had the alerts arrived as they were intended, I would have had plenty of time to cancel my subscriptions normally–and this situation would likely not have been a problem at all. In summary, ZenBusiness was very worthwhile for us as new small business owners just getting started, and though we had a couple of speed bumps, the support team (and Geoffrey in particular) handled everything admirably and with great respect for us. I very much recommend their services for creating your own business. Included below is a snippet of my previous review for clarity on the renewal alert/cancellation mishap: “A month ago, however, ZenBusiness sent me two erroneous email reminders about my renewals wherein they mixed up the dates and amounts between the two subscriptions. This led me to believe they had lowered the price of one of the subscriptions to make it more reasonable and competitive. When I saw the higher amount charged on my card a month earlier than was stated in the emails, I emailed Customer Service for a refund and to cancel all my subscriptions (this is the indicated process stated clearly in their own ToS). That was four days ago. I have since exchanged multiple emails with Customer Service wherein I repeat my cancellation request over and over; I’ve received a bizarre phone call from ZenBusiness during which no one spoke to me for over a minute (I finally hung up); and I am *still* waiting on confirmation of my cancellations and refund.”

– Christopher Chatham

Belle was amazing

Belle was amazing

– Matt

Nic B answered all of my questions

Nic B answered all of my questions. He was delightful and very helpful… i hope that the next person i speak to is as great of a rep as him

– Gaelle C

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