Virginia LLC Cost

We’ve compiled the most common fees so you know exactly what to expect when starting your Virginia LLC.

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Start Your LLC in Virginia

FAQs on how to determine Virginia LLC costs

  • What does it cost to start a business in Virginia? To get your Virginia LLC started, you need to file the Articles of Organization. The Articles of Organization lay out:

    • The name of the Virginia LLC
    • The registered agent
    • The place of business of the Virginia LLC
    • The management structure of the Virginia LLC

    The clerk’s office issues a Certificate of Organization after accepting the Articles of Organization.

  • Here are some fees that you can expect as part of the LLC cost in Virginia:

    Virginia LLC Filing Fee

    $100: To start a new LLC, the Virginia LLC cost is $100 for standard processing time. If you file online, you may form your LLC in as little as 24 hours. To save you even more time, our Business Formation service helps you make your dream a reality with minimal effort from you and for an affordable price.

    Virginia LLC Annual Registration Fee

    $50: You must register your Virginia LLC each year. The annual registration fee is $50, due on or before the last day of the month in which you first registered your Virginia LLC.

    Registered Agent Service Fee

    Free: Virginia requires every Virginia LLC to have a registered agent. The registered agent is someone who is responsible for receiving important Virginia LLC documents. For example, they receive annual registration reminders and legal documents on behalf of the Virginia LLC. The main requirements for the registered agent are that they are physically located in Virginia and available to receive the Virginia LLC’s documents during regular business hours.

    You can act as your own registered agent for free; however, many entrepreneurs choose to hire a professional registered agent for a nominal fee. Having a professional registered agent means that you can go on vacation, meet with clients, or take the afternoon off without having to worry about missing service of important legal documents.

    Our Virginia registered agent service matches entrepreneurs with a professional registered agent for a small fee. 

  • Wondering what else goes into the cost of starting a business in Virginia? Let’s talk about the other Virginia LLC fees now.

    Certificate of Fact of Existence of Virginia LLC

    Need to prove that your Virginia LLC exists and is up-to-date on registration? Then you need a “Certificate of Fact of Existence/Registration.” This document is available online and can be requested by mail.

    Unofficial copies are available for free online. For $6, you can instantly download an official copy of your Virginia LLC’s Certificate online.

    Prefer to mail in your Certificate request? No problem. Send in your request to:

    Clerk’s Office, State Corporation Commission

    PO Box 1197

    Richmond VA 23218

    Make sure to include a check payable to the State Corporation Commission to cover the $6 fee.

    For in-person requests, go to:

    Clerk’s Office, State Corporation Commission

    Tyler Building, 1st Floor

    1300 E. Main St.

    Richmond VA 23219

    Foreign LLC Registration

    Already have an out-of-state LLC and want to start operating in Virginia? Register your foreign LLC with the Virginia State Corporation Commission, so your LLC can legally operate in Virginia. To register, file the Foreign LLC registration form and pay the $100 Virginia filing fee.

    “Doing Business As” or Fictitious Name for Virginia LLC’s

    We all change our minds, right? If you’re not so crazy about your current business name and want to use another without changing it, you can. A “doing business as” or “fictitious” name is a name that your Virginia LLC uses instead of its original name. Virginia still needs to know about it, though. To file for a fictitious name, file the Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name and pay the $10 Virginia filing fee.

    Business Licenses and Permits

    You’ve legally formed your Virginia LLC. So now you can get started, right? Not necessarily. Depending on the industry and location of the Virginia LLC, you may need to get business licenses or permits such as:

    • Business license (e.g., liquor license)
    • Business permit (e.g., to operate a restaurant)
    • Registration (e.g., professional registration)

    Wondering what Virginia LLC business licenses you need to get your business off the ground? We’ve got you covered. Through our partnership with Avalara, for a small fee, you can receive a business license report. First, you answer a few questions. Then, we generate a report that lets you know what types of business licenses apply to your situation.

    For just $0 plus state fees, we can form your Virginia LLC for you in just minutes. No LegalZoom promo code required: Pay just $0 plus filing fees for fast LLC formation in Virginia.

  • Paying fees late may result in late fees. Other penalties include the Clerk’s office rejecting your LLC documents or changing your Virginia LLC’s status. In some cases, the Clerk may dissolve your Virginia LLC if you don’t pay your fees on time.

    Our Worry-Free Compliance service provides subscribers like you with alerts and reminders about your Virginia LLC. With our service, you can keep up on the upcoming Virginia LLC registration fees and other important updates.

  • The Clerk will not file your documents if you can’t pay your Virginia LLC cost at the time you submit the documents.

  • The State Corporation Commission receives your Virginia LLC filing fee.

  • It depends on the size, industry, and location of your Virginia LLC. If you just file the Articles of Organization, then the $100 Virginia LLC filing fee is the largest fee you’ll pay.

  • You can pay via credit card or echeck, if filing online. If filing by mail, you can pay by check. Payments for in-person filings can be made via cash, credit card, or check. Checks should be made payable to the State Corporation Commission.

How do I form my LLC in Virginia?

Here are some steps you take to form your Virginia LLC.

1. Name Your Virginia LLC

Virginia LLCs need to have unique names that:

  • Set them apart from the other Virginia LLCs
  • Contain the phrase or abbreviation of “Limited Liability Company”
  • Don’t contain words like “corporation”
  • Don’t make it sound like the business does something that it doesn’t actually do

Using our business name checker and name reservation services, you can make sure that your Virginia LLC business name is available — and snag it before it’s too late.

2. Select a Registered Agent

Like we talked about before, you can act as your business’s own registered agent, but this means that you have to be available during regular business hours to receive important documents. Using our professional registered agent service providers gives you privacy, flexibility, and security. 

3. File Your Virginia LLC’s Articles of Organization

With those details squared away, it’s time to file your Virginia LLC’s Articles of Organization. The filing fee is $100 for standard processing time. Filing online is convenient and lessens the chance of clerical errors, but you can also mail your documents in:

State Corporation Commission

P.O. Box 1197

Richmond, VA 23218-1197

Don’t forget to send a check made out to the State Corporation Commission when you send in the form. 

4. Virginia LLC Operating Agreement

Before you put up that, “We’re Open” sign, you need to draft an operating agreement. Operating agreements are super important because they lay out important financial and procedural details, such as:

  • Allocation of profits and losses
  • Voting rights
  • Ownership interest
  • Company management
  • Who makes the important decisions

But who has the time and money to put all that together? With us, you do. Our Operating Agreement Template makes it easy for you to put these details down in writing. 

5. Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Before you can open up a business bank account or a business credit card, you need to get a federal EIN. EINs are also required to pay taxes and employees. 

With our Employer ID number service, we handle the paperwork for you, freeing you up to work on things like those promotional flyers. 

Check Virginia Annual Requirements

Like we discussed before, you need to register your Virginia LLCs every year. Virginia limited liability companies that fail to register or to file annual reports on time may be subject to late fees or dissolution. 

With our Annual Report service, we help you stay on track of your annual requirements. 

Stay Compliant

Forming your business is just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities for your business. As your business grows, things may need to be updated to avoid penalties and consequences. Failing to update your Articles of Organization, for example, may result in your business being in default. 

Our worry-free compliance service makes it easier than ever for you to stay on top of things. Using our service, you can file up to two amendments each year and stay up to date on your other compliance requirements. 

We Got You Covered

Over 500,000 entrepreneurs trust us with helping them start and maintain their businesses. We live to help entrepreneurs enrich their communities by starting new businesses. We’d love to be part of your journey. 

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.


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