Annual Report

File Your Ohio Annual Report

You did it. Your Ohio LLC is officially up and running, ready to take on challenges, roll in the profits, and change the world.


There’s no doubt that this is an exciting time in your business journey. After starting your LLC, it’s easy to get carried away in all the excitement and expectations. After all, as a new business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate.

Most states have ongoing maintenance requirements for LLCs called annual reports, which allow the state to keep tabs on your company’s organizational structure and some other important details. However, Ohio is one of a small handful of states that does not require any sort of regular reporting from LLCs.

Not only does this take some responsibilities off of your entrepreneurial plate, but it also cuts back on your expenses. While business owners in nearly all other states have to make room in their budgets for an annual (or biannual) payment to the state, Ohio entrepreneurs have nothing to worry about in this regard.

However, there are still some situations in which you should inform the state of changes to your business. For instance, if you change your Ohio statutory agent, you will need to file a Statutory Agent Update form with the state. And if you amend your LLC’s business purpose or ownership group, you must submit a Certificate of Amendment. But outside of these types of circumstances, you do not need to keep up any sort of regular reporting requirement with the state of Ohio.

So, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy operating your compliant Ohio LLC without worrying about annual reports!

Still Working on Forming Your LLC?

If the LLC formation process seems overwhelming, you can always enlist the help of an LLC formation service. These businesses can quickly and effectively form your LLC, ensuring that all of your documents are filed correctly and fees are paid on time.

Some (like ZenBusiness and IncFile) will even handle your ongoing statutory agent and compliance requirements. Just turn everything over to them and your LLC will be off the ground before you know it.

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