Brand Evolution of Natural Fit. An Interview with the Founder Marie Laimgruber

Niche: Sports and health
Project: Natural Fit
Role: Mastermind, founder and CEO
Geo Target: Austria

Marie Laimgruber is the founder of the sports brand Natural Fit. She knows how to take care of her health and gladly shares her expertise with others. She began her career in 2005 as a lifeguard, later studied at the Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacky University Olomouc and got her master’s degree in “Sport + Biology”. However, she didn’t stop there. Maria continued to advance herself and now she is also a ski instructor, a specialist in classical and sports massage, and a mountain guide. In 2019, she took a course on spiral stabilization of the spine.
We don’t know about you, but we’re totally impressed! If you are like-minded and dreaming about having your own sports business, read on!

How did you come up with the idea of launching the brand Natural Fit?

I’m a passionate sports lover. For me, movement is freedom. At the same time, physical activity often takes a toll on our muscles and causes pain. To be healthy and in harmony with your body, you need to do compensation activities. This is how I discovered the Spiral Stabilization method developed by Dr. Richard Smisek. I’d like to share this approach with everyone who wants to do sport without sacrificing their health.

I live in Pinzgau. It’s a very picturesque place. Nature is a powerful source of health and strength we can tap into. I’d like to guide other people through this process and help them. I’d like to have my input. 

What is the main goal of your project?

I work as a coach, providing assistance in training. Plus, I run a spine stabilization program.

For a human being, the most natural movement is walking. The place I live, with its amazing landscapes, offers a perfect environment that makes you want to wander around for hours. While walking, we don’t only flex, but also extend our joints. Why is it important? Because most of us spend much time sitting, and our muscles remain flexed too long. Many sports are also based on muscle flexion. This is why compensation activities are vital. 

The Natural Fit concept brings together breathing, diet, movement, rest, physical exertion, and psychological education. Those are the key areas that have a huge impact on our health. If you know how a human body works, you can optimize these areas to become healthy and happy. The good news is that nature can help you with that a lot. Using the Natural Fit method doesn’t cost much. I don’t sell anything. I only offer my time and knowledge.

How do you promote your project?

I distribute flyers. I also benefit from Facebook ads and word-of-mouth. As for which method delivers the best results, only time will tell.

What or who inspires you and why?

I get inspiration from people who are open to the world and willing to explore new things.

How do you grow and develop professionally?

I read a lot and do training courses.

How do you see the future of your project? What would you like to achieve? 

I’d like to introduce the Natural Fit concept to as many people as possible. I want people to know that much of what we need can be found in nature. 

What is the main thing that future coaches must keep in mind?

To be able to help people, you first need to listen to them. Only then can you make suggestions. As Henry Ford said, “if there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view.” 

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