How to Fund Start-up Costs with Owner’s Contributions

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As a first-time business owner, it’s important to keep track of the money going into your business. To do this, you must record capital contributions, which is the money that you, the owner, use to start and maintain your business. This article will explain what a capital contribution, also known as an owner’s contribution, is and how it works, why it’s important to track deposits to your business checking account, and the potential tax benefits. 

What is an owner’s contribution? 

An owner’s contribution is money that you, the owner, bring to the business. This can include money you deposit into a business checking account, investments you make in the business, or items you bring to the business such as furniture or equipment. When you make a capital contribution, you’re essentially investing in yourself and your business. 

How does an owner’s contribution work? 

When you make an owner’s contribution to your business, you need to create a financial record of the money you have invested. This financial record is important for tracking the money going into your business. 

When you contribute money to your business, the bank automatically creates a record of how much you’ve invested. This record is important because it shows you how much money you’ve put into your business. Tagging the deposit as an “owner’s contribution” or “capital contribution” makes it easy to reference later.

This also helps you to keep track of how much money you’ve invested, where the money is coming from, and where it’s going. This financial record also proves to potential investors that you’re serious about your business. 

Why track deposits to your business checking account? 

Tracking deposits to your business checking account is important for a few reasons. First, it helps you to monitor how much money is coming into your business. This is especially important if you’re relying on outside investments or loans. Secondly, it lets you keep track of expenses, which is important for budgeting and determining what needs to be paid. Lastly, it serves to prove to potential investors that you have invested in your business. 

Potential Tax Benefits 

Tracking your startup costs can also provide potential tax benefits. You may be able to deduct your startup costs from your taxable income. This can be a great way to save money and make sure that you aren’t paying too much in taxes. 

How to Track or Record Contributions 

You can track your contributions by keeping a detailed record of all the deposits you have made to your business checking account. You should include the amount and date of the contribution, as well as the source of the money (such as personal savings or loans). You can also use accounting software, like Money Pro, to track your contributions. Accounting software can help you keep a detailed record of all of your investments and help ensure that you’re claiming the correct deductions on your taxes.


As a first-time business owner, it’s important to track the money going into your business. Capital contributions are a great way to do this, as they are the money that you, the owner, bring to the business. Tracking your capital contributions helps you to keep track of how much money is coming into your business, where it’s coming from, and where it’s going. It also shows potential investors that you’re serious about your business.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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