Wyoming business license

How to Apply for Business Licenses and Permits in Wyoming

Our business license report can help you determine what licenses and permits you need to start a business in Wyoming.


Starting your own Wyoming business can mean new opportunities and more personal freedom, but it can also mean a lot of paperwork. If you’re starting a business, you’re likely going to need some kind of business license or permit to operate legally. If you don’t know what kind of licenses or permits you need, we’re here to help. Read on for more information on what permits you might need for your Wyoming business and see how services like our Business License Report can help.

What is a business license?

A business license is permission from a government entity to run a business. Your business might require licensing from the local, state, and/or federal government before you can open your doors. Your need for business licenses depends on the industry you’re in, your business activities, and your location. Some states also require a general business license to do any kind of business within their jurisdiction. 

There are many different licenses and permits your business might need, but there isn’t a central place you can look to find all of them. This means that you generally need a lot of time to research all of the licenses and permits your business needs and how to get them.

Step 1: Search for any necessary Wyoming general business licenses

A general business license is one a business needs to conduct any kind of commercial activity, regardless of the kind of activity, the industry, or the location. While the state of Wyoming doesn’t require a general business license, some local government entities within the state have their own general business license requirements.

Depending on the nature and location of your business, you might have to register and license your business. Though people use “licensing” and “registration” interchangeably, they’re not the same thing. Registration is required to form certain businesses, and licensing is required to run a business you already formed. 

If you’re still working on forming a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation, we have the resources to help get you started quickly. Visit our Wyoming LLC formation and our Wyoming corporate formation service pages to get started on your new venture today!

Step 2: Obtain applicable federal licenses for your Wyoming business

While many of your business licenses will likely come from state or local governments, your business could have some federal licensing requirements to fulfill. These licensing requirements depend on your activities and industry. The following business activities likely require licensing or permits from the following federal agencies:

It’s important to be aware of all the characteristics and needs of your business because you might need licensing from more than one federal agency to operate. 

Step 3: Check for Wyoming permits and licenses

Though there isn’t a Wyoming requirement for a general business license, there are other licenses your business might need at the state level. Common licenses dispensed at the state level include:

Once again, your need for a license depends on the characteristics of your business, and you might need to obtain the same kind of license at the federal, state, and local levels. 

Step 4: Check with the city or county for local licensing in Wyoming

You’re likely going to have the most business licensing and permitting obligations at the local level. Local governments can have a lot of regulations regarding the activities in their jurisdictions, and many regulations apply to business activities.  Wyoming business license requirements at the local level can include:

Licensing requirements aren’t the same across all municipalities and can be hard to find. It’s crucial to check your licensing and permitting obligations with government officials at the local level. In many cases, you can look at your city and county websites, contact the county clerk’s office, or talk to your local tax office for information. 

Step 5: Search for applicable Wyoming professional licenses

If you want to conduct business by offering professional or occupational services, you’re likely going to need a professional or occupational license. Among the many individuals who need licensing to offer professional and occupational services are:

Separate state boards handle licensing for many of these professionals and individuals. If you have questions about obtaining professional or occupational licenses, you can usually contact the governing board for your profession to get answers. 

Step 6: Obtain any other necessary Wyoming business licenses and permits 

Outside of the typical Wyoming business license requirements, there are other authorizations from a state or local government you might need before you start doing business. Your business needs might include:

You apply for many of these permits and certificates through your local government, but you apply for a sales and use tax license through the Wyoming Department of Revenue.

Step 7: Apply for Wyoming home-based business licenses

Running a home-based business can be a great way to simplify your life and cut business costs. Multiple local governments in Wyoming allow home-based business, but you have to play by their rules before you can get started. Licensing and permit requirements for a home-based business can include:

Municipalities also have rules on how and when properly licensed home-based businesses can operate. Some of these rules restrict your ability to expand your business or store inventory, so it’s important to be clear about your business needs for the foreseeable future before starting a home-based business. You might also have to check any neighborhood covenants or requirements of your homeowners’ association to ensure that your home-based business doesn’t break any of their rules. 

Step 8: Maintain your Wyoming licensing

You might have all the proper licenses, registrations, permits, and certificates to operate your business, but you’re likely not done with the paperwork. Most business licenses and permits need periodic renewal. Failing to renew a license or permit is a fast way to have your business penalized or taken from you, so it’s important you keep a close eye on your renewal obligations and deadlines. 

We’re here to help you fulfill your business licensing obligations

There’s a lot to keep up with when you run a business, and the sheer amount of responsibilities can be maddening. Researching your business licensing and permit obligations to make sure you have everything covered can add another overwhelming task to your list of to-dos. 

Fortunately, we and our partners at Avalara can relieve the burden of researching business licenses with our Business License Report. Our Business License Report gives you a consolidated list of your licensing, permit, and registration needs at the local, state, and federal levels. Avalara uses your business activities, business characteristics, and location to research your licensing needs and give you a simple report that outlines them for you. In a sea of paperwork and business demands, having one place to look for your licensing obligations can be a great relief. 

We can also help you keep up with Wyoming requirements through our Worry-Free Compliance service. Our Worry-Free Compliance service helps you stay up to date by tracking your compliance needs and handling two business amendments for you per year.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.


  • Do all Wyoming businesses need a license?

    While the state of Wyoming doesn’t require you to have a general business license, it’s unlikely that you can run a Wyoming business without some kind of license or permit at the local, state, or federal level.

  • Can you sell things without a license in Wyoming?

    Wyoming law states that every vendor has to have a sales tax license to conduct business.

  • Is it legal to run a business from home in Wyoming?

    Yes, but it depends on your business activities and local government rules. Multiple municipalities require you to have one or more licenses/permits and follow strict rules for conducting your home-based business.

  • What kind of license do I need for an online business in Wyoming?

    The kind of license you need to conduct an online business in Wyoming depends on the nature of your business, your business needs, and your location.

  • Do I need a license to collect sales tax in Wyoming?

    Yes. You can apply to receive a sales and use tax license from the Department of Revenue.

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