New Mexico Articles of Incorporation

How to File Articles of Incorporation in New Mexico

Learn how to file Articles of Incorporation in New Mexico today using our fast, expert services and support.


When you’re ready to incorporate, you’ll file Articles of Incorporation with the Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State. Note that once you file your Articles of Incorporation, the information they contain becomes public record.

How to Complete the Articles of Incorporation Form

After you complete your Articles of Incorporation, you can mail, fax, or deliver them in person to the Secretary of State’s office. New Mexico doesn’t currently allow online filing of Articles of Incorporation. While you can’t file your Articles of Incorporation online, you can download an online form to print and fill out for offline filing.

For a domestic (in-state) entity filing Articles of Incorporation, you must include the following information:

Note that the name of your business must not be in use by any other business in New Mexico. You can check the New Mexico Business Search page to see if your name is available.

You must also select a registered agent. You can be your own registered agent, but there are reasons you may want to avoid this. For instance, the registered agent is the point of contact for official notices, like subpoenas, which may be embarrassing to receive in front of clients.

ZenBusiness offers a Registered Agent Service. Our registered agent providers will accept documents on behalf of your corporation, and then post them to your ZenBusiness dashboard so you can examine them when needed.

Include supplemental form(s)

Supplemental forms you might need in New Mexico include:

How to Submit the Form

There are fees involved with filing your Articles of Incorporation in New Mexico. There’s a basic fee for up to 100,000 shares. If you need the process expedited, you can do so for an extra fee. You need to file an original and one copy. Don’t forget to include the registered agent statement and your fees.

In New Mexico, it can take a few months to complete the Articles of Incorporation approval process. You can pay a fee to expedite the process, which cuts the process to two business days. For an additional fee, you can complete it in one business day. The expedite fee must be on a separate check. Don’t pay for the original Articles of Incorporation fee and the expedite fee on the same check or it will be rejected.

After you file, you’ll want to make sure you stay in good standing with the state. Use our Worry Free Compliance service to put your mind at ease and focus on what’s important.


Handling the various tasks required to file your Articles of Incorporation can be a time-consuming process. ZenBusiness can help. We can complete your Articles of Incorporation as part of our Business Formation Plans. This means that you can get your business up and running as soon as possible.

New Mexico Articles of Incorporation FAQs

  • What does it cost to incorporate in New Mexico?

    For the most current fees and methods of payment available, check with the New Mexico Secretary of State website.

  • How long does the incorporation process take in New Mexico?

    The normal timeframe is up to three months. You may shorten the process to one or two business days if you pay expedite fees.

  • Who processes the New Mexico Articles of Incorporation?

    The New Mexico Secretary of State processes Articles of Incorporation.

  • What New Mexico statute governs the New Mexico Articles of Incorporation?

    New Mexico Statute § 53-12-2. governs the New Mexico Articles of Incorporation.

  • Do I need an attorney to file the New Mexico Articles of Incorporation?

    No, you can file them without an attorney.

File Your Articles of Incorporation

Learn How to File Articles of Incorporation in the Following States

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